Wednesday, January 5, 2011

A surprisingly delicious dish!

We've made it through 3 days of raw food (minus Jude's manipulation to eat roasted pistachio nuts today-thank you very much Rachel!) and we are feeling okay...definitely still not ready to throw all of our "non-raw" food out and join the raw food militia, but we're not throwing in the towel either...I think we'll make it another 4 days.

Jude and I both went through, what we can only guess was, carb withdrawal yesterday as we went to sleep with awful headaches. However, today has been headache free and we're feeling good! In case you're wondering what was on the menu today, here you go:

Breakfast: Muesli with Almond Milk (this is definitely becoming my favorite thing of the day!)

Snack: Raw nut mix with dried cranberries

Another Snack: Vitamix shake with Raw Protein powder

Lunch: Salad with walnuts, goat cheese & chopped pear with balsamic vinaigrette

Snack: Oats with pear (other 1/2 from lunch), few walnuts, cinnamon, nutmeg, little bit of pure maple syrup and almond milk-delish!

Dinner: No meat "meatballs" with marinara sauce and zucchini pasta-yum yum and yum.

Let me just tell you about this dinner! The "meatballs" were made of walnut pate, basically consisting of soaked walnuts, onion, parsley, garlic powder and a couple other things-blended all together and formed into balls. Then I made the marinara sauce from a tomato, half a red-bell pepper, sun-dried tomatoes, basil, oregano, olive oil, garlic, salt and pepper. The "meatballs" and marinara sauce was then served over a bed of shredded zucchini. Jude and I agreed that this was the best thing we have made yet. I really need to start taking some pictures of this stuff....I'm sure we'll make this meal again before the week is through, so look forward to pictures over the weekend.

Thanks for all of your comments and support-I think keeping this blog and knowing that a few of you are actually reading it keeps me sticking to the detox and not breaking down and eating that grilled cheese sandwich that I know would absolutely melt on my tongue and send my taste buds into a frenzy.

Until tomorrow :)

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