Wednesday, January 19, 2011

If only I ate as well as my 10-month old...

It's true...our child eats way better than we do. If we ate what he ate, we'd be the epitome of health. It's funny that I make it a priority to ensure that my child eats a 100% organic, healthy diet, yet I don't do the same for myself. Hopefully this year that will change. I was listening to the radio this morning and I heard a pretty cool idea...they were talking about the "highlights of 2011." You read right, I didn't make a typo...highlights of a year that has just begun. The idea behind it is to think, plan and believe that the things you want to happen, will. I really love that idea. I've been thinking about it all day, what my highlights of 2011 will be. One will definitely be to achieve the 90% organic goal that I originally set, but also to conquer this "Sarah vs. Food" battle I've been fighting all my life.

Have you all seen Food, Inc? If not, it is a must see. We saw it a year or so ago and would probably say that it changed our outlook, maybe even our life. It is a documentary about food is made, what is in our food, how food production has changed over the years, etc. It is eye-opening. One thing I was remembering today is how they talked about food being a drug. Not all food, mind you, but specifically salt, sugar and fat. Processed foods that contain high levels of these things keep you coming back for a drug. There is a commercial out right now (maybe for yogurt or something) and the message it is trying to get across is that one good eating decision leads to another good decision, and so on....same for making a bad eating decision. It's not so much that the "bad" decision is a deal breaker, it's just that the bad food item you ate likely consists of things that trigger negative responses in your body that then make you crave more and before you know it, your whole day is shot. In my experience, if you're not careful, one bad day can lead to another bad day....your plans to exercise lose their importance, the salad you planned for dinner doesn't sound nearly as good as a pizza, and there you are, at the end of a week...wishing things had gone differently. I envy my child who doesn't have that salt, sugar and fat addiction going on in his life. I want to fight to get it out of mine.

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