Tuesday, January 11, 2011


So I have to confess about what happened last night and tell you where I found myself at the end of it.

After Carter went to bed, Jude headed out to get us dinner for my birthday...we had previously decided on soup and salad from Panera-delicious, but not too guilt producing. For those of you around the area you are aware of the icy conditions...apparently, Panera didn't want to risk endangering their employees, so they closed at 1pm...as did all of the other restaurants in the area, unbeknown to us. So, here it is, 8pm...we are starving and we are limited to basically Taco Bell or Cook Out. Such a depressing set of circumstances. In hindsight, we should have postponed getting dinner out and just eaten something at home, but since we were starving and it was my b-day and I didn't want to have to cook, we went with Cook Out. Gross, gross and gross. A month ago, it would have tasted good. Last night I felt sick. Yes, the physical effects of eating some onion rings (I know, I know) and part of a BBQ sandwich were nauseating in and of themselves, but what I didn't expect was the emotional effects it had on me.

A month ago, I would have felt bad for eating that meal, but would have gotten over it shortly after I finished eating. Last night, my guilt lasted for hours. It took a lot of thinking (and talking to Jude) to figure out why I was having such a hard time. I think that for the first time in as long as I can remember, I went 7 entire days feeling fantastic about every piece of food that went into my body. Then, in one moment, I felt like I ruined it. Yes, the circumstances weren't planned and Cook Out wasn't something that we usually took part in; however, we could have made a better choice, despite the circumstances. I think what scared me more than anything is that I would wake up this morning and start craving bad food again, losing the motivation to continue on the road that we had started a week ago. I didn't want to fall back into the traps that I had fallen into over and over again with this food drug. So, more than anything, I was scared that I wouldn't be strong enough to counterbalance a poor decision.

Luckily, I have Jude. While he was in the same boat I was in, wishing we hadn't eaten that greasy food, he was ready to do whatever it took to jump back on the wagon this morning...and that's exactly what we did. We decided to eat raw for most of the day and throw in a few other healthy foods (non-raw) when needed. It ended up being a great day and I do feel motivated to press forward with this healthy eating journey. In a way, I think eating Cook Out may have been a good thing because it caused me to have a revelation that my life has changed, my outlook towards food is different and I am not interested in returning to a lifestyle I wasn't proud of. So there you have it: my confession, raw and unfiltered. I am all about putting myself out there-after all, what is this life, if not utterly and completely real.

Last night I told you guys that I would pass on info about nutritional typing.  The information comes from a program by Dr. Mercola, a well respected physician in the area of health, diet and nutrition. This is not a gimmick to get you to buy anything...trust me, I wouldn't have looked into it if it was. It's basically a way to discover the types of food that work best for your individual nutritional type-all for free!  As noted by Dr. Mercola:

Your body responds uniquely to food -- your fuel -- based on your genetics, biochemical makeup, family history, and your own interaction with your environment. That's why you will advance your health by discerning your Nutritional Type .

The science of Nutritional Typing is the only system that customizes nutrition based on the way your body reacts to food. Your Nutritional Type determines your individual nutritional requirements and dictates your individual responses to what you eat and drink.

Last night I went online and answered some questions about the type of food that satisfies me, how I feel after I eat certain foods, etc and it then told me what Nutritional Type I was and provided me a lot of information about what foods I should eat, recipe ideas, etc...all for free. It is a lot of great information and explained food in a way that I had never thought about before. It's definitely worth checking out if you're interested. Here is the link to follow:


Let me know what you think! I definitely found it helpful and hope that you do too!

Until next time :)

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