Thursday, January 6, 2011

Over halfway there!

Not to give myself a pat on the back, but I am absolutely thrilled (and shocked) that I have maintained willpower and self-discipline for 4 whole days eating all raw food. I think I lasted like 6 hrs on South Beach. I'm not much for eliminating foods from my diet, whatever the purpose may be, and no matter always ends up backfiring and I end up eating foods I never would have eaten like hot dogs or oatmeal cream pies or something. Anyway, I think it helps that there is an end in sight and the light at the end of the tunnel keeps growing larger with each passing meal. Not to mention that this is something I've never done before, so it's kinda like a game or a challenge, if you will.

Today was not a bad day at all. I really feel good about the food I'm putting in my body. I can't think of the last time that I went 4 days without having a regret about at least one thing I ate. That's a pretty cool feeling, I have to say. I'm not going to say I wasn't hungry, but I think I'm getting a little more used to it. Something like this helps you realize just how often you eat without really feeling hungry....begins to beg a deeper question about hunger and what purpose food is really serving in our lives.

On the menu today was a lot of repeats: Smoothie, Muesli with Almond Milk, Salad, Banana with Almond Butter...but Jude did make some California rolls tonight (minus the rice) that were pretty tasty! They didn't stave off the hunger but for a couple hours, but tasty none the less. Dipped in a some organic Tamuri sauce..mmmm. Here's a picture I took before I devoured them:

Tomorrow is Friday...hooray! Since I don't know when Jude and I will revisit the Raw Food lifestyle, we're planning on trying to make some of the better looking recipes over the weekend when we'll have a little more time. I'll keep you posted with what we make and how things are going...

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness, you are brave. And strong. And hungry. But awesome, too. Glad you seem to be over the worst of it. Good luck!
