Monday, January 10, 2011

A bagel for breakfast :)

Aaahh....real food.

I'm sure many of you are wondering if I stuffed my face today with all the foods that I couldn't have last week...well, I definitely wanted to, but managed to restrain myself to some degree. Now, keep in mind, it is my birthday, and there are different rules regarding food when it is your birthday...but overall, I did okay. I had been craving a bagel from Panera for about 6 days straight ever since a friend (who shall remain nameless...cough, cough Fiona) went into a 5-minute monologue about how delicious a particular bagel shop was and got me wanting a bagel like nobody's business! So, yes, my lovely husband ventured out into the snow this morning at 7:30am to get bagels :) I tried to keep it tame for the rest of the day eating salads, soup, some fruit and two small slices of Amy's Organic Pizza...though I will have to have a small piece of birthday cake before the day is over...I mean, come-on,  you only have a birthday once a year.

I will admit that part of me missed the raw eating today...isn't that weird? I almost felt like I shouldn't eat that bagel this morning, even though I knew it wasn't something I commonly did or would be doing again anytime soon...but I think I feared how I might feel afterwards. Most of the day I felt fine...although shortly after lunch, I did feel nauseous for about an hour or so. Not sure if it was the lunch (salad and pizza) or aftereffects of the bagel. Nonetheless, there is definitely truth in how foods impact the way you feel.

So what's up next, now that I don't have raw food to blog about? I have so many thoughts and things to explore....tomorrow I want to tell you all about  nutritional typing and will provide you a link to find out what your nutritional type is...very, very cool!!

For those of you with snow outside, stay safe and warm and cuddle up to someone you love :)

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