Sunday, January 2, 2011

Starting Out

I am obsessed. I have been working all day to figure this blog design thing out...being the perfectionist that I am, it will take me the rest of the week before I have this thing looking the way I want it to, so I am going to end the design obsession for the night and get to writing...

Welcome to my very first blog post! I have to tell you, I am really excited about this blogging journey we are about to take together, even if my mom is the only one who reads this. My goal, however, is to let you into our world of health inquisition and experimentation and potentially entertain you, inspire you and share this experience with you, for as long as you stick around.

So why blog? Why now? Well...let's see...I have this dream to get our family eating 90% organic food by the end of 2011 and I am hoping that by doing so, I'll be able to shed some light as to why we're doing it and possibly address the myths, issues and debates surrounding organic food along the way.  I also want to promote health and wellness for my family and for yours, so let's sit back and see where this ride takes us...

I battled with what to call this blog, struggled with what name would encapsulate my goal for this writing journey...and after much thought, "Roots" seemed to be the perfect fit. Our family is looking to return to nature to find the truths about food and overall health and I guess, in a sense, find the root of how we were intended to nurture ourselves and build our lives around it. I think that going deep into where life really began is where we find what it is we're looking for in the first place. So here goes....thanks for joining me in this journey!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Sarah, This is so cool and eating right is certainly a personal interest to Jo and I. I question anything with additional ingrediants. I am really looking forward to following this and, hopefully, will learn something. Tell Jude we said Hi and hope everything is well with the family.
