Monday, January 3, 2011

Detoxing it up

So I am nearing the end of detox day #1...hallelujah! Seriously, this raw food thing is no joke. I feel like I've eaten my body weight in vegetables today. Amazingly, I haven't been starving like I thought I'd be...I mean there was a moment where I almost ate Carter's baby food, but I restrained myself. Curious what was on the menu today? Well, let me humor you...

Vitamix smoothie (kale, apples, carrot, spinach, blueberries, green tea, organic raw protein and who knows what else Jude put in it)...Vitamix, fyi, is the crazy powerful blender we have to make these delightful concoctions.

Mix of raw sunflower seeds, brazil nuts, almonds and dried cranberries

And another snack:
Marinated raw broccoli, carrots and mushrooms in a balsamic vinaigrette

Sandwich consisting of two romaine lettuce leaves, onion, avocado and tomato with a lemon dressing that I totally forgot to put on!

Banana with some raw almond butter

And yet another snack:
Muesli-raw oats, walnuts, almonds, honey, blueberries and almond milk

Gazpacho-tomatoes, bell pepper, garlic, green onion, cucumber, salt, pepper, olive oil, etc

Some shake that Jude is whipping up as I write...probably something with almond milk and fruit

So really, that doesn't seem too bad, huh? Let's see how I feel after 7 days....

I think the biggest revelation that Jude and I have both come to is that eating raw is a LOT of work! Just the preparation of all the food for each meal takes quite a bit of time-more than we expected. Well actually, I thought I was just going along for the ride here, but I felt so sorry for Jude trying to figure out how to prepare all the food tonight that I just had to jump in and help him. Only 6 more days to go...

Wanted to let you know the exact name of the cleanse that we're doing as well as the name of the raw food book we're "cooking" out of. The cleanse we got is from the Vitamin Shoppe and is called Perfect Cleanse by Garden of Life and it is the 10 day system. The book is entitled Raw Food Made Easy by Jennifer Cornbleet. Jude and I are big about organic protein and trying to avoid the synthetic or soy protein, so the powder we are currently using is called Organic Raw Protein (also sold at the Vitamin Shoppe) and is made completely of vegetables and sprouts and contains 18g of protein per serving.

So, have I inspired you to go eat your vegetables?! I am sure that my body is going to be thanking me soon enough, but I would kill for a peanut butter and jelly sandwich right now.

Until next time :)

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