Tuesday, January 4, 2011

I've figured it out...

I have uncovered the secret of temporary raw food eaters...compared to what you eat on a raw food diet, anything sounds good when all you are eating is vegetables. I am craving brown rice and lentils, cottage cheese and hummus, even dry Grape Nuts sound appetizing right now..and if you've ever had dry Grape Nuts, you know the point of desperation I'm at.

Kidding aside, I know that there are tremendous benefits to eating raw. I have nothing but admiration for those who have committed to a raw food lifestyle. The discipline and creativity you have to channel in order to keep up with eating a select group of foods day after day is nothing short of amazing. I think that you have to change the way you look at food and view it as something to sustain you and not as inanimate objects you have a relationship with.

And oh what a relationship I have with food...I love to eat it, cook it, smell it, even look at it...sometimes I even dream about it. While I know I'm not cut out to "break up" with food and eat it only for sustenance, I am committing to learning how to foster a healthy relationship with the foods that will best serve my body. I think it's going to be a good year.

As for Detox day #2, I'm not going to lie, I'm hungry as all get out. I can't put another marinated vegetable in my mouth without gagging so I've settled for not eating as much as I should have today. And I have a headache to prove it. I am going to go and prepare a big salad and smoothie for dinner to hopefully satiate this hunger a bit. I was looking through the raw food cookbook tonight while playing with Carter and if I just had the time and energy to make some of the things in there, I think this diet would be a lot more enjoyable! There are recipes for apple crumble and no meat meatballs-yum! However, when you work all day and then take care of a 9-month old, there isn't much time left to get everything you need to get done in addition to spending a couple hrs preparing food.

Well, hunger calls...blessings to all of you enjoying your meat and potatoes tonight :)

1 comment:

  1. Don't know if your allowed to use coconut milk on your plan, but its a great sub for dairy (or if you get tired of almond milk). I buy the canned kind in the asian food isle. Buy the full fat - its a great source of calories when you are doing a diet likes this and helps curb the hunger.
    Great in smoothies, and for making "desserts."
