Friday, January 7, 2011

And she threw her donut away....

So when I got to work this morning and checked my email, here is what I had waiting from one of my best friends in Durham:

"I just had to write to let you know that your blog made me throw away my donut this morning."

I think I have laughed about that all day today...not quite sure why she threw her donut away...perhaps the discussion of all my food grossed her out to the point of nausea, or perhaps she is such a devoted friend that she couldn't imagine indulging in such a tasty treat when I was suffering through a veggie shake at the same moment. Maybe though, my blog is fulfilling one of the purposes I set out for it, and my lovely friend felt a bit inspired to make a healthier choice this morning :) As a side note, I do have to say that my friend is a very healthy person and eats amazingly...the donut was probably just one of those occasional indulgences we all allow ourselves from time to time :)

So we've made it to the weekend...Jude and I actually think it is going to be harder to get through the next 2 days than it has been to get through this past week. Being at work provides a fabulous distraction for at least 8 hrs of the day to where you don't have to focus on your hunger or what you'd rather be eating. The upside is that we can play around  with some of the recipes and mix up our menu a bit.  We actually started experimenting tonight and made quite an interesting meal.

Our Friday night entree consisted of Portobello Mushroom Caps stuffed with Sunflower Herb Pate and Moroccan Spiced Carrots on the side. Not bad and I actually feel pretty full right now. The Sunflower Herb Pate was made by mixing soaked raw sunflower seeds with parsley, lemon juice, garlic, green onion, salt & pepper in the food processor until it forms a spread...put that in the mushroom caps that had been marinated with Tamuri sauce, add a side of spiced up carrots and..Voila, dinner is served!


And for dessert (since we had so much extra time on our hands), we made Chocolate Mousse...a bit of a stretch once I tell you what's in it (and please do not throw up...don't worry I almost did when I read the ingredients): mashed avocados, maple syrup, unsweetened cocoa, vanilla extract, water and soaked dates. It was actually pretty good-would have been better had it been blended longer and there weren't pieces of dates randomly dispersed throughout, but I just dodged those and ate the "mousse" part...


By the way, does anyone else see the resemblance between dates and cockroaches? I seriously can not just take a bite of one of those things...I just can not! Eww!! The only way I will eat one is if it's been blasted to smithereens like in the above tasty dessert, but even then, I'd rather not think about them. Dates or cockroaches that is.

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